
Dear APABI members:

        On behalf of the APABI Secretariat, I’d like to cordially invite you to the 2023 APABI Virtual Roundtable being held on July 27, 15:30-17:30 (GMT+8), which TABF is organizing jointly along with IIBF, host of the 2024 APABI Meeting & Conference in Mumbai, India. This will be an important opportunity for exchange among members in the off-years between conferences. Please check your email for the sign-up link, and make sure to RSVP by June 30.

        Another exciting update is our redesigned APABI webpage, with a more aesthetic and user-friendly format. In particular, an archive of past newsletters will be available in a special section on the website.

        The World Economic Forum has released its Future of Jobs Report 2023, which has new significance following the release of ChatGPT. The report anticipates a churn of 23% of jobs over the next five years, including an addition of 69 million jobs and loss of 83 million jobs over its survey of 673 million jobs. 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted, as cognitive skills rapidly grow in importance. Our Taiwan Banker magazine also analyzed the WEF findings, which you can find in the article below along with the original report.

        Finally, several APABI members will be attending the World Conference of Banking Institutes (WBCI) in Malaysia. We look forward to seeing you soon in Kuala Lumpur.

 Dr. Hank C.C. Huang 

 President, Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) 
 The Future of Jobs Report 2023
The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends will shape the workplace of the future. 
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 The Chartered Banker Institute (CBI)
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Upcoming Events
 The Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB)
24th World Conference Of Banking Institutes 2023
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 The Institute of Banking & Finance (IBF)
 IBF Masterclass with CuriousCore: Crafting Customer Experiences across Digital Channels for Digibanks and FinTech
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 Asian-Pacific Association of Banking Institutes (APABI)
APABI Virtual Roundtable 2023
  For More Information 
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