Dear APABI members:
We are pleased to announce that our UAE member institute has changed its name from EIBFS to the Emirates Institute of Finance (EIF). This move is part of a three-year strategy to become a world-class institute, elevate existing competencies within the sector, support thought leadership, and attract Emerati nationals to pursue a career in the financial sector. On behalf of the APABI secretariat, I would like to congratulate them on their next step, and also look forward to future announcements of progress by other APABI members.
India, another APABI member and host of our 2024 meeting & conference, is a rising power and one of Asia's exciting growth stories. Taiwan is paying more attention to it these days, as you can see in the article below in the Taiwan Banker, but its efforts to break past the "old" India should be of interest to the whole region.
I want to thank everyone who responded to our survey to help us plan the online gathering this year. Based on your feedback, it will be held in July. If you have any further suggestions as the time draws closer, please feel free to email us.
Sincerely, Dr. Hank C.C. Huang
President, Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) |